Product Control for Agriculture (Prokon), registered as a non-profit company under the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008, is an independent quality assurance company that conducts quality inspections and renders other related services to stakeholders in the fresh produce industry.
In terms of its appointment as official assignee of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, a comprehensive inspection service is being rendered on potatoes since 1994 and since 2017 on all other designated locally produced and imported fresh fruits and vegetables. All these inspections are carried out in accordance with the Agricultural Products Standards Act, No. 119 of 1990 and the relevant regulations. As from 2012 Prokon also has been conducting unofficial inspections under contract for various fresh produce industries and retail groups.
In order for Prokon to provide trusted and independent inspection services that promotes confidence, the senior management team of Prokon places the utmost importance on the principals of impartiality, conflict of interest and confidentiality, when conducting inspections and audits on regulated fresh produce and all related activities.
On 13 April 2021 Prokon received the internationally recognised ISO/IEC 17020:2012 accreditation from SANAS for the inspection of fresh produce at fresh produce markets, retail and imports in South Africa. Following the annual audit by SANAS on 13 October 2022 to determine whether the company still complies with the requirements for accreditation, it has officially been informed that it has passed the audit which means the Prokon retains its international accreditation. This makes Prokon the only South African company that is internationally accredited to conduct inspections on fresh produce.
Prokon’s primary source of income is the inspection fees charged in respect of the inspections conducted on potatoes as well as on all other regulated locally produced and imported fresh fruits and vegetables destined for sale in the Republic of South Africa. It operates on a cost recovery basis and the determination of the fees is based on objectivity, fairness, reasonableness, and equity and have been benchmarked with other inspection agencies, rendering similar services.
The inspections on locally produced potatoes and other regulated fresh fruits and vegetables are carried out at, e.g., fresh produce markets, distribution centres, retailers, wholesalers and repackagers. The inspections on regulated imported fresh fruits and vegetables are carried out at ports of entry, i.e., inland, sea and air as well as distribution centres, packhouses, cold storage facilities or any other designated facility that holds, handles, and distributes such produce.
The inspection fee applicable to potatoes was originally published under government notice 968 of 2015 in government gazette 39275 dated 9 October 2015. The inspection fee is revised annually.
The categories and inspection fees were published under Notice 877 of 2022 in Government Gazette 46203 of 11 March 2022 and came into effect seven days after publication. The inspections fees are revised annually.
Open Government gazzeteThe inspection fees applicable to regulated imported fruits and vegetables were published under government notice 1087 in government gazette 43803 dated 13 October 2020. The inspection fees are revised annually.
Open Government gazzeteNEW E-TRAINING in food and feed. Introduction on Food Safety (HACCP).
In many cases a readily available training largely covers your training objectives. With some changes in form and content, the training is tailored to the specific business situation. For companies with a specific training question we develop a custom made solution.
A Précon E-learning consultant together with a subject matter expert realises a sophisticated and didactical sound learning solution tailored to your needs.
OPENOECD Guideline on conformity checks of fresh fruit and vegetables, E-Learning Course.
The course was developed by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and development (OECD) Fruit and Vegetables scheme of the Trade and Agriculture Directorate with the support of COLEAD and its based on OECD fruit and vegetables schemes recommendation on conformity checks of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Contact PROKON: for Enrolment Key
OPENInspections are conducted at fresh produce markets, retail outlets and ports of entry to ensure consumers and buyers purchase produce that represent quality and value for money. During inspections it is, e.g., checked if the product conforms with the relevant marking requirements, check the internal and external quality, size as well as ripeness and firmness.
The service includes advice to farmers, industry bodies and retailer groups on official quality standards, marking requirements, and packaging. The is provided at, e.g., farmers’ days, and meetings with the aforementioned bodies and groups. The service is augmented by making information available through brochures, etc.
Training programs include quality assurance training to role players, i.e., commercial and emerging farmers and their workers, cooperatives and their employees, and quality controllers at distribution centres. Training is also provided to own and industry personnel in conjunction with international and local inspection bodies.
Consumers are increasingly demanding that the fresh produce they purchase is safe and comply with official quality, health, and safety standards. Apart from ensuring compliance with the aforementioned Prokon draws samples for chemical residue testing and plays an important role in monitoring correct labelling to facilitate traceability.
The E-click electronic software application provides in Prokon’s unique information capturing, conversion, extraction, and outset requirements in respect of inspection information. This allows for comprehensive factual reporting that is basically indisputable. This critical information is available on Prokon’s data base.
Stock audits are conducted at fresh produce markets on the request of farmers and industry bodies. Examples thereof are the state of consignments with special reference to volumes and quality and comparative age analyses.
The brochure provides a broad spectrum of information about Prokon and its mandate as official assignee with special reference to need for and benefits of quality assurance inspections, what the company can offer fresh produce supply chain stakeholders, what inspections comprise of, and the responsibility and obligations of Prokon versus that of the owner / seller of the product.
OpenThe leaflet provides a synopsis of what Prokon is all about with the emphasis on its strategy, services, and scope of work.
OpenThe Business Review offers a comprehensive overview of Prokon as a company and its activities for the period 2022/2023. Some of the aspects covered in the review include statistics of the inspections on all regulated locally produced and imported fresh fruits and vegetables and locally produced fresh potatoes, developments in the inspection milieu, training and informational aids such as the data base, the website and production aids.
OpenColour plates in respect of quality specifications on potatoes – R300.00. Prices exclude VAT and postage. Payment should be made to Prokon (Produkkontrole vir Landbou, Bank: ABSA, Branch Code: 334945, Account number: 1102320073). Send proof of payment and contact details (including delivery address) to
Potato quality guide – R200.00. Prices exclude VAT and postage. Payment should be made to Prokon (Produkkontrole vir Landbou, Bank: ABSA, Branch Code: 334945, Account number: 1102320073). Send proof of payment and contact details (including delivery address) to
Tomata quality guide – R150.00. Prices exclude VAT and postage. Payment should be made to Prokon (Produkkontrole vir Landbou, Bank: ABSA, Branch Code: 334945, Account number: 1102320073). Send proof of payment and contact details (including delivery address) to
The bulk of the information available on the Prokon database is generated through the e-click app. The information can in essence be divided into three categories, i.e., fresh produce markets, the retail trade which encompasses retail outlets and distribution centres, and imports. Prokon is at present working on ensuring the correctness of the data to enhance the useability, limit access thereto to the specific party only as well as guarantee the privacy thereof, after which industry role players will be granted access to their specific data. However, the data can at present be provided upon request.
The relevant information pertaining to the product inspected consists of the following:
Details of product inspected, e.g., volume, type of product (Mondial), size group, class.
Details of the supplier (e.g., farmer) of the product.
Production region.
Market the consignment was delivered to (inspection point [GPS]).
Market agent to which the consignment was delivered.
Outcome of the inspection, e.g., volumes passed or downgraded.
Volumes sold and at what price.
The number of inspections conducted.
Percentages of downgradings.
Type of non-conformances.
Name of the retail group.
Name and place of the specific distribution centre or retail outlet (inspection point [GPS]).
Details of product inspected, e.g., volume, type of product (Mondial), size group, class.
Details of the supplier (e.g., farmer) of the product.
Outcome of the inspection, e.g., volumes passed or downgraded.
Details of the importer.
Port of entry (inspection point [GPS]).
Details of foreign supplier. (GR number / importer’s code.)
Details of imported product inspected, e.g., volume, type of product, size group, class.
Outcome of the inspection, e.g., volumes passed or downgraded.
Information for in-house usage purposes
Details of inspections conducted per day, per week, per month and per annum for performance evaluation purposes, i.e., name of inspector, inspection point (GPS point), duration of the inspection, number of inspections conducted, number of consignments inspected, directives issued in respect of non-conformances and the follow-up thereof.
Official assignee of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
SANAS accreditation for the inspection of fresh produce
Prokon has received the internationally recognised ISO/IEC 17020:2012 accreditation from SANAS for the inspection of fresh produce at fresh produce markets, retail and imports in South Africa. Prokon is still the only South African company that is internationally accredited by SANAS to conduct inspections on fresh produce.
Affiliated membership of the International Fresh Produce Association: IFPA